How To Use The Jade Roller

If you’re wondering how to use a jade roller, you’ve come to the right place!

This ultra-trendy tool helps support lymphatic drainage, boosts blood circulation, decreases under-eye swelling and reduces the appearance of fine lines, giving you a lifted and more defined look.

I love using my jade roller from Lemongrass Spa Products with the Anti-Aging Oil Serum! Let’s talk more about how to use a jade roller and dig in to some more fun facts about it …


I started to see more people talking about and using jade rollers about two years ago. So many of us are getting better at taking care of ourselves and doing it the most natural way possible. It seems that the jade roller fits perfectly in between those two really great trends. Honestly, I felt like it was more of a gimmick at first. What can this jade roller do that I can’t already do without it? But the more I dug into the information behind the trend, the more I realized how beneficial it really is!

Jade Roller from Lemongrass Spa Products

The first thing I want to make sure you know is the Lemongrass Spa Products Jade Roller is 100% jade. It’s not glass colored green and it’s not a composite. I don’t agree with some articles I’ve come across during my research. I’ve seen numerous brands selling more expensive rollers saying if a roller is less than $20 it’s likely fake. Not true. Others were confused as to what real jade actually is, saying if your roller wasn’t thousands of dollars, it was probably not real jade but actually made from nephrite or jadeite. Guys, nephrite and jadeite ARE jade! lol! Buyer beware – just a few minutes of research into jade and it’s qualities will help you find the quality jade rollers from the fake.

Benefits of Jade Roller

When you use your jade roller, you are helping your lymph system to circulate fluid. The lymph fluid is from the bloodstream. The lymph nodes filter the fluid to remove bacteria, abnormal cells and more before putting the clean fluid back into the bloodstream. Lymph fluid only flows one way, toward the heart – that’s crucial information during a facial massage. You can see why this circulation is so important!

The massage itself is super beneficial for your skin and complexion. It increases blood flow and circulation which helps to reduce puffiness, creates a brighter skin tone and increase collagen production. What I love about the addition of the jade roller to your facial massage is it reduces the amount of pulling. If you massage your face with your washed hands, you run the risk of tugging too hard. The way the jade just rolls right across your face doesn’t do that.

Using a jade roller also means you’ll be getting more product delivered right to your skin, where you want it. I’ve seen ads showing the person applying their face care with those round cotton pads or cotton balls. Not only does the cotton still contain harmful pesticide residue that could penetrate your skin, can you imagine how much precious product that thing is soaking up? Even microfiber cloths so the same, minus the harmful pesticides. While your fingers are a better choice than those, they are still taking away product from your face.

Facial Massage

how to use jade roller benefits of a jade roller

There are so many good things a facial massage can do for you! It’s why I learned how to use a jade roller in the first place. The roller delivers such a wonderful, delicate massage. There may be a time when you want a heavier hand, but most of the time a gentle massage does the job.

It’s important use the right direction and motion while giving yourself a facial massage. I mentioned above, the lymph system only drains toward the heart. As you can see in the illustration, the lymph nodes are at the outer edges of the face. Aim your massage strokes toward the front of the ears and jawline. Don’t pull backward after stroking toward the nodes.

You can do a massage with the jade roller with or without any products. I really like to use it with products because then I feel like I’m circulating those anti-aging ingredients deeper into my skin. I suggest using it with Ultra Hydrating Body Creme or Vitamin C Serum.

Start in the middle of your face with your massage strokes and move toward the drainage points. I try to concentrate on each area are at least three strokes. Be careful to use light to medium pressure.

Don’t forget to roll down the bridge of your nose and that jawline. Close your eyes and roll over the eyes for several strokes as well. I will also follow down the length of my neck toward the clavicle.

Think of all the movements that your face makes in a day, how much tension it can hold. Even just sitting here typing at my desk, I suddenly realize I’m holding tension in certain muscles of my face.

History of Jade

I absolutely love digging into the history of jade! Jade has been highly regarded by many civilizations for thousands of years. The Chinese called it the “Stone of Heaven” and equated it with royalty, a symbol of status, purity and health. It has also been used by the Mayans and Eqyptians. Even these ancient people used jade on a roller in much the same form that we have today.

Did you know that at the 2008 Bejing Olympics, every medal was enbedded with a piece of pure nephrite jade? Nephrite is the softer yet more resistant form of jade. The medals featured a rare form of white nephrite called “mutton fat” jade. Jade isn’t always green. It can be a wide array of colors including pale to deep green, lavender, pink and even light brown.

For many people, the jade itself has a part in making your skin look and feel better. Many regard jade as having a a nourishing energy, a soothing purity about it. Jade symbolizes gentleness, harmony and balance. Everything is energy and it is said that jade supports the loving heart energy. Many people use jade stones as good luck charms and wear it as jewelry.

I would love for you to try out the Jade Roller from Lemongrass Spa Products! Let me know if you have any questions about it!

Natural Deodorant by Lemongrass Spa Products

Looking to switch to a more natural deodorant that is Aluminum-free, Paraben-free, Fragrance-free, Triclosan-free, Gluten-free, Cruelty-free and Vegan? The best natural deodorant for women is from Lemongrass Spa Products! They are free from any of the stuff you DON’T want and have all of the stuff you DO!

Out With The Old Gross Deodorant …

But WHY would you want to trade out your regular, commercial deodorant for a more natural deodorant choice? One great reason is because sweat is natural. It’s SUPPOSED to happen! Yes, it isn’t always pleasant and I like to keep my clothes dry like everyone, but sweat is a process we need. If you aren’t sweating, it’s not usually a good sign. Your metabolism might be slow or you aren’t burning off toxins. But just because sweat is natural doesn’t mean you have to go around stinky and with wet armpits all the time.

The next question is: what’s so bad about regular commercial deodorant? The answer is: Plenty! One of my biggest arguments is in regard to aluminum content in antiperspirants. Dr. Snyder was quoted on in an article about natural deodorants, saying “the metal’s ions are drawn into the cells and line the armpits, causing sweat ducts to swell and squeeze closed so that sweat cannot be released.” We are forcing a natural process in our bodies to stop when we apply aluminum to our underarms.

One of the things mentioned in Dr. Snyder’s discussion on natural deodorant is the idea that aluminum ions are neurotoxins. I dug a bit further on that concept to see what I could find to back it up. This article within the Taylor & Francis website (T&F publish peer-reviewed open access research) regarding aluminum as a neurotoxin covers the idea in-depth and it’s pretty obvious that aluminum is something I’d like to stay away from as much as possible. There is SO much more to talk about on this point but this is an article on Natural Deodorant, not the commercial stuff! 🙂

… In With The New Natural Deodorant!

So does natural deodorant work as well as everyone says it does? I think it depends on each person – their physiology and their mindset. Just based on your physiology alone, some formulas may work while others don’t – but that certainly is true of commercial deodorant as well. And it’s something you can’t really control. Now, your mindset, on the other hand, definitely can be controlled. Success with natural deodorant can definitely be achieved with a little preparation and knowledge.

The most important thing is to know what you’re getting into! 🙂 Natural deodorant is a blend of different, albeit better, ingredients.

  • Don’t start using a natural deodorant until after the detox period. (see below for easy detox ideas)
  • They will work better over time so don’t expect the first day with your new deodorant to be perfect.
  • Natural deodorant is made without synthetic preservatives so the consistency will feel different. Without those preservatives, I recommend that you use your deodorant within about six months to make sure it stays fresh.
  • Speaking of ingredients, the pure oils will melt at warm temps so be careful when transporting.
  • You CAN use too much – just one or two swipes versus the regular six or eight swipes that most people like to use.
  • Better ingredients means fewer ingredients and that means it’s more concentrated.
  • Don’t go too fast after application – wait a few minutes for it to dry and really sink in before putting clothes on.
  • Be careful putting on a baking soda based deodorant too soon after shaving – ouch!

Natural Deodorant Choices

Three years ago, I posted a video review of the deodorant products we had at the time. The options included a natural deodorant spray and a natural deodorant paste in various scents. Since then, we have added a natural deodorant stick! Each form of the deodorant has a bit of a different formulation to help all the various needs out there.

* Natural Deodorant Sticks

natural deodorant charcoal

If you are sensitive to baking soda, then our natural deodorant sticks are just the thing for you. Instead of non-aluminum baking soda to absorb wetness, arrowroot powder is used as a great alternative. The Grapefruit Bergamot stick and the Clean Slate stick are available without baking soda. There is also a formulation of the stick deodorant that includes charcoal powder. Did you know that charcoal powder can absorb 1,000 times it’s own weight in moisture?!? The Spearmint Lemongrass Charcoal stick and the Lavender Charcoal stick are also available without baking soda. This is my favorite form and I definitely feel it’s the best natural deodorant for women!

natural deodorant spray lemongrass spa products

* Natural Deodorant Sprays

The natural deodorant spray ingredients start out with witch hazel and aloe vera. This is a very very gentle deodorant that would be great for someone that has never used a commercial deodorant before – because their cells and sweat ducts aren’t packed with aluminum. It is formulated to be paired with the natural deodorant paste but it can definitely be used alone. The sprays are available in Unscented, Lavender Vanilla, Lemongrass (my FAVE!), and Sport Blend.

natural deodorant paste lemongrass spa products

* Natural Deodorant Pastes

The idea of natural deodorant paste was quite new to me when Lemongrass Spa Products came out with this item a few years ago. I generally use a stick deodorant so paste was a little weird to get used to but it wasn’t horrible. Our blend of deodorant paste includes non-aluminum baking soda so it will be irritating to some skin. If the paste isn’t agreeing with you, I would recommend washing the area and then applying our Healing Elements or Aloe Vera Gel.

Armpit Detox

One thing to be aware of when making the switching is the idea of an armpit detox. Not everyone agrees that this is necessary or even actually happens but it really makes sense to me when you think about the reasons we’re moving away from the ingredients in regular deodorant to begin with. You’ll have much greater success with the transition and you’ll feel the natural deodorant is working better by giving your armpits some time to reset before starting with a new deodorant.

A super easy detox is to use a Charcoal Mask like the one we have with Lemongrass. It includes important detox ingredients: activated charcoal and bentonite clay. These ingredients absorb unwanted junk from your sweat ducts. Follow it up with a good moisturizer like the Ultra Hydrating Body Creme. About two weeks is plenty to make sure your cells are fully cleaned out and ready for the best natural deodorant for women. Two weeks without deodorant?? Yes, it’ll be okay, I promise. You’d be surprised how well the charcoal mask will work at keeping you fresh. There will still be sweat to some degree but that’s totally natural. And that’s the point.

In Conclusion

Are there some trade-offs to using a natural deodorant? Yep! Is it totally worth it? Yep! Every little thing we can do to avoid putting harmful material in or on our bodies might help in bigger ways than we realize.

Want to try out one of the natural deodorants highlighted in this article? Feel free to visit the links shown within the article – each product name is linked to it’s own purchase page as are the photos. Or send me a message! I would be happy to chat with you about which one would be best for you! I really think you’ll find that Lemongrass has the best natural deodorant for women!

Revival Balm Review

If you’ve known pain like that of a broken bone, you are my people! Especially if it was one that needed to be put back together with plates and screws! And the Revival Balm from Lemongrass Spa Products has been like a miracle drug!

The Story …

In the beginning of February, I broke my ankle. Just one wrong step on the tiniest piece of ice and — Boom! — life. changed. What I thought was just a bad sprain turned out to need surgery that resulted in three plates and ten screws to put my ankle back together. So much pain! I’ve delivered six babies without meds of any kind and I would sooner deliver another baby before I would ever go through all that again. Ouch!

About two weeks after the surgery, they removed the splint and I got a removable boot. I still couldn’t put any weight on the ankle but at least I didn’t have to be in a cast for weeks and weeks. And, now I could access the area to start using some healing ointments on my skin and on the incision from the surgery.

Enter, Revival Balm!

Part of my injury included a break further up the leg, just under the knee. I felt like I had one massive horrible bruise from my knee all the way down to my toes. It was so painful. I finally reached for the Revival Balm and oh. my. goodness. Sweet relief! It was like a warm blanket on a cold winter night. So comforting! So wonderful! My new favorite ingredients are coffee extract, turmeric extract and green tea extract. The combination is nothing short of a miracle.

As you can see in the video, linked below, I had the .75 ounce stick of Revival Balm on hand to use. I went through it very quickly due to the large size area that I was working on. My next order is for the largest container we have which is 6 ounces.

Keep reading after the video to read some powerful testimonials that customers have shared after using the Revival Balm!

Powerful Testimonials

  • I have mild joint pain in my hands. This is my go-to when it flares. Two applications and my joints feel better!
  • I’ve had knee joint problems for years. I teach children and it is a lot of stress getting up and down. I apply this to my knee before work and the pain lapses for quite a while!
  • My lower back has been at a 10 on the pain scale. My husband graciously rubbed Revival Balm across my lower back and to my great pleasure, ZERO pain for at least four days!
  • This has been my sleep saver these last few weeks since my ankle injury. The pain keeps me awake at night but a good rubbing with the balm and I can drop off to sleep.
  • My 22 year old son is quite skeptical of most products. But he was won over by Revival Balm when his arm and shoulder were sore after firearm training. The next morning he announced, “They should sell that stuff by the vat so you can just dunk your whole body in it!”
  • Amazing for my yen-year-old’s growing pains!
  • My father suffers from a painful autoimmune disease which requires him to be on some pretty heavy duty painkillers. They unfortunately don’t take away the pain. He LOVES Revival Balm because he says it takes the edge off and has made a huge difference in his daily well-being. He has even begun to use it for the arthritis in his hands.
  • I struggle with painful vericose veins – I’ve already had two procedures done. All I have to do is rub the balm on my legs and the pain has subsided before I’m finished rubbing it in. It’s truly amazing.
  • During the birth of my second child, they failed my epidural three times before getting it right, but not before leaving me with permanent back pain. I honestly thought I’d never live without pain again. But since using Revival Balm, I have ZERO back pain. I’m finally able to play with my kids and it’s literally saved my life.

Not Your Typical MLM Essential Oils Review

I can’t even count the number of disparaging memes I’ve seen or negative comments I’ve heard about essential oils and the folks that sell them. Most of us have met “those people” who are passionate about essential oils and, as a result, they just turn you off to essential oils altogether. So hopefully, after reading this post about the Lemongrass Spa Products Organic Essential Oils and viewing my video, you’ll see that I approach the situation without all the pushiness.

I TOTALLY get how a lot of people are initially confused by essential oils. There is a lot of confusing information surrounding oils, and when you first get started, it’s hard to know what to do with all these little brown bottles. Not to mention different brands warring over who is the best or harvests the most responsibly or is the most organic!

Everyday Uses

I would like to share how my other Lemongrass Spa Products Independent Consultant friends and I typically use them in our day-to-day lives. There certainly are a ton of different ways to introduce the power of essential oils into your life!

essential oils lemongrass spa products

Ingredients and Testing

One thing to note about essential oils is that sometimes companies might dilute them or alter them with synthetic ingredients. Don’t be afraid to ask anyone that is offering oils to you about this practice in regard to their oils. I’m happy to say that Lemongrass Spa Products does not dilute or synthetically alter their oils. Ever.

The Lemongrass Oils are also tested for therapeutic-grade quality with Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry methods. You can rest assured that you are buying the highest quality oils with no hidden dangers.

All The Choices!

From our Spring/Summer 2020 Catalog, we have the following options for essential oils …

Essential Oil Singles: (15ml sizes)

Other Essential Oil Blends: (15 ml sizes)

Organic Skin and Nail Balm Review

When we say Organic Skin and Nail Balm, at Lemongrass Spa Products we don’t mean JUST skin and nails! Keep reading after the video for lots of ideas of other uses for this amazing balm!

One of the greatest resources I have access to as a Lemongrass Spa Products Independent Consultant is our Facebook group. Most of the consultants participate by asking questions, posting their success stories and relating the testimonials of their customers. So whether I have 2 customers or 200, I get to draw from a wealth of knowledge about these natural and organic products.

I did quite a bit of research on what people were using the Organic Skin and Nail Balm for and I came up with a list that will make your jaw drop.

organic skin and nail balm
  • blisters from chemotherapy cream Actinic keratosis caused by the sun
  • burns
  • after-care for tattoos
  • shingles around the mouth
  • cracked and chapped skin on hands (gloves on overnight)
  • after-care of sunburn
  • cold sores
  • eases rosacea and eczema

There were lots more, but you get the idea – this stuff will have a prominent place in your home for help with all kinds of symptoms.
Place an order for a jar of your own by clicking here.

Body Polish Review

I can hardly go a day without using this amazing Body Polish from Lemongrass Spa Products! As body scrubs go, this one is hands-down the best! From having ingredients that are nourishing and organic or natural to the beautiful scents they have developed, this stuff is good for my skin AND good for my mood.

organic body polish scrub

How I Use It

I use it all from head to toe in the shower and I hardly have to use lotion afterward. There is always a jar next to my sink for spot treatments like a little hand-spa. During the summer months, my knees also need spot treatments. If my lips become chapped, I can use this body polish as an exfoliating treatment and follow it up with our Lip Balm.

Tips, Tricks and Secrets!

Here’s a little secret – apply the body polish to your dry hands! Yes, DRY skin. Then, take a warm, damp towel and wrap both hands in it and let it sit for 10 mins. Use that same warm, damp towel to wipe off both hands until all the scrub is removed. Talk about feeling primped and pampered!!! It takes the hand-spa treatment to a whole other level!

One more tip – use the body polish as a scalp scrub! This one is super new to me and I am loving it! I applied a little bit of our Anti-Aging Serum to my scalp and let it sit for a while before getting into the shower. Then, in the shower I wet my hair and applied the body polish a little at a time. Once I felt like I had really scrubbed and stimulated every follicle of hair, I rinsed it out. I did shampoo twice and let the conditioner sit for several minutes to finish up my pampering treatment.


In our Spring/Summer 2020 catalog, we have the following body polish scents available:
Strawberry Lemonade
Lavender Mint
Island Coconut
Grapefruit Bergamot
Lime Splash
Cherry Almond

Our Best Makeup Setting Spray by Lemongrass Spa

setting spray set & refresh lemongrass spa products

I know everyone thinks theirs is the best. But seriously! This one really is THE best makeup setting spray! Not only because it works so well but also because of the ingredients used.

Why It’s The Best

Setting spray was also one of those makeup products I thought I didn’t really need. But once I used the Set & Refresh Facial Mist from Lemongrass Spa Products, I can’t believe I ever did without it! After spraying the mist on my finished makeup look, my skin feels refreshed and I feel like it really extends the wear of my makeup.

But this product does double duty! It has a powerhouse ingredient called Neroli Oil (citrus amara flower oil) that stimulates skin cells to regenerate which means it works really well on scars and stretch marks. It also has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiseptic and pain-relieving properties. Seems like there isn’t anything this mist can’t do! Use it midday, with or without makeup already on, for a refreshing boost!

Keep reading after the video …

Let’s Talk Ingredients

Ingredients: aqua (water), camellia sinensis (green tea) leaf extract, glycerin (plant-derived), salix nigra (black willow) bark extract, citrus amara (neroli) flower oil, simmondsia chinensis (jojoba), oil, euterpe oleracea* (acai) extract, citrus grandis (grapefruit) seed extract *organic

That’s a lot to talk about! I’m going to end up sounding like an encyclopedia but knowledge is power and it’s good for us to know what we’re actually putting on our faces. In fact, knowing exactly what is in the products I’m using actually makes me more excited to use them regularly!

Since I highlighted Neroli Oil earlier in this article and I’ve highlighted Jojoba Oil in my article on the Ultra Hydrating Body Creme, I’ll stick to the following extracts: green tea, black willow bark and acai.

The Extracts

Green tea extract makes red, angry skin happy! There are many ways that green tea helps your skin. You might already know that antioxidants fight free radicals which can cause cellular damage. What you might not know is that green tea is very high in antioxidants. A perfect ingredient for face care products! Specifically, an antioxidant called EGCG helps fight signs of aging by protecting and repairing cells. The anti-inflammatory properties of green tea help psoriasis and rosacea. It is also effective against acne because of it’s antimicrobial benefits. That’s a bunch of anti- words to keep track of!

The Black Willow Bark is another ingredient that soothes irritated skin. According to Day Spa Magazine, it has keratolytic properties (which means the softening and shedding of the outer layer of skin), so it breaks down dead skin cells and exfoliates. Willow bark is also pore minimizing which might be my favorite part!

StyleCraze talks extensively about the many benefits of acai berries taken both internally and applied topically. The second half of the article zeroes in on the skin benefits. Between slow down the effects of aging, helping heal acne and lightening scars, I’m excited to have access to this ingredient!

Sheer Minerals Makeup

If you’re using the best makeup setting spray, you may as well use the best mineral makeup at the same time! We offer both liquid and powder foundations in many colors, eye shadow, mascara, several lip products and more!

Organic Lip Products Review – Sheer Minerals Makeup Lemongrass Spa Products

Soft, nourished, kissable lips – it sounds as lovely as it feels!
And that’s exactly what you get when Lemongrass Spa Products organic lip products are your go-to!

Sheer Minerals Makeup by Lemongrass Spa Products – Lipsticks and Lip Glosses

Like it or not, what you put on your lips will likely end up in your mouth. That’s why these lip products are so important to me – I know they have only the best ingredients that won’t put unnecessary toxin load on my system. With healthy ingredients like castor oil, shea butter, and almond oil, I know my lips are in good hands!

Have you used those lipsticks that just dry your lips out before you even walk out the door? I have and it isn’t a good feeling OR a good look! Lemongrass Spa organic lipsticks are packed with healthy ingredients and, if I don’t have a lip balm nearby, the lipsticks are just as good as a nourishing lip balm. You’ll find the lipsticks in six beautiful shades of creamy lip color. They offer full pigment coverage and staying power. Enhanced with natural vanilla flavor to make lips even more kissable.

Our lip gloss is definitely nothing to gloss over! Whether you’re after the moisture with just a hint of sparkle or the shazam of an amazing red lip, these glosses have you covered. The satiny lip gloss contains an amazing infusion of vegan moisturizers to hydrate, protect and add superior shine. One swipe of this moisturizing glass saturates lips with beautiful color and delectable natural vanilla flavor.

And finally the organic lip balm! That tiny little package that carries a huge punch of healing! From winter days that bring cold chapping winds or sunny days that can burn quickly, I also have at least one of these balms around.

Mineral Powder Foundation Review – Lemongrass Spa Products

Powder Foundation Sheer Minerals Makeup by Lemongrass Spa Products

This is definitely the top of my list for deserted island must-have beauty products! My Sheer Minerals Mineral Powder Foundation by Lemongrass Spa Products goes with me everywhere. The healthy glow and flawless coverage just can’t be beat!

We’ve all seen the strong move toward healthier ingredients in almost every product you can think of, including beauty and makeup products. Our mineral powder foundation is part of that trend.


Healthier ingredients is where Lemongrass Spa Products comes in! With everything from shampoo and lotion to the Mineral Powder Foundation and all items in the Sheer Minerals Makeup line. But, they didn’t stop there – they even went to the nano level. As we keep digging deeper, we find that even things we thought were healthy might not be so great. For instance, some ingredients can come to you in nano-sized particles. That means it’s so much easier to be exposed because the smaller the particle, the more freely it moves through the air.

The ingredients in our Sheer Minerals Mineral Powder Foundation are non-nanoparticle for your health and safety! Take a peek at my review video for a more in-depth review of this product!

Keep reading after the view …

Which Color Is Right For Me?

First, you’ll need to know if you have cool, warm or neutral undertones in your skin. Then, just match up that undertone with our range of light to dark foundation colors. Easy peasy! Here is an easy guide to the mineral powder foundation colors:


I won’t go through the full list of ingredients here (you can check that out here) but I did want to point out some of my favorites. The list starts out with aloe vera juice. For skin-calming goodness, you just can’t go wrong with aloe. Shea butter is an amazing moisturizer and I love knowing it’s in my makeup. A beautiful combination of chamomile, rosemary, oregano, lavender, thyme and goldenseal all pull together to work magic on my skin.

I’m so excited to share the line of Sheer Minerals makeup with you! If you need any help finding the perfect mineral powder foundation, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Lemongrass Spa Mascara Reviews

Organic Mascara Sheer Minerals Makeup by Lemongrass Spa Products LGSjen

What’s the best way to introduce you to my favorite mascara? A Lemongrass Spa Mascara Review of course!

You’re stranded on a desert island – which makeup product do you HAVE to have? For me, Lemongrass Spa Mascara is the ONLY one!

We’ve all heard that question 100 times, right? Did you know “mascara” is the most common answer? Since mascara is THAT important, better make sure you’re using the best! (Except, I can’t ship it to you on that deserted island. Sorry.)

Lemongrass Spa Mascara is THAT good!

I really was shocked at how amazing this mascara made my eye lashes look. Before Lemongrass Spa Products, I assumed organic makeup products were subpar. That is, until I started learning about the potential danger inside some of those ingredients. Thankfully, the tide is changing for what ingredients are used in beauty products. I’m happy to be part of that change with this company and the Lemongrass Spa Mascara. (Keeping reading after the video …)

Lemongrass Spa Mascara Reviews

Most customers who submit a Lemongrass Spa Mascara reviews say they weren’t able to find a mascara that didn’t irritate their eyes before this. The list of ingredients in other mascaras is so long, it’s sometimes hard to know which ingredient is the culprit.

Ingredients to Avoid

If you look at your tube of regular mascara, what ingredients will you see? Do you know where each of those came from? How was it made? Some of those answers can be a little disturbing. Since your eyes are kinda important 😉 let’s take a peek at some of the things you’ll want to avoid:

  • Coal Tar Dyes – usually containing heavy metals, they are carcinogenic
  • Fragrance – synthetic fragrances contain a multitude of harmful ingredients
  • Formaldehyde – sometimes used as a preservative under many different names
  • Parabens – more preservatives, these negatively impact your hormones

And that’s just the start! But it’s some of the main offenders and covers just about all the mascaras you’ll run across in the makeup aisle.

The Good Stuff

The ingredients in Lemongrass Spa mascara are not on that list above! They are actually good for your lashes! I’ll just highlight a few of the ingredients here but feel free to check them all out on my ordering page!

  • Organic Matricaria Recutita (Chamomile) Hydrosol – a hydrosol is produced when fresh leaves, flowers, and plant materials are distilled. This creates a product similar to an essential oil but less concentrated. In this case, we are using a hydrosol from the (commonly called) German chamomile herb. Chamomile is calming.
  • Organic Cera Alba (beeswax) – this is a natural wax produced by honey bees. It’s known for softening, calming and soothing skin. (Also found in our natural deodorant stick.)
  • Organic Copernicia Cerifera (Carnauba Wax) – we get this plant wax from palm leaves (responsibly harvested). It gives mascara a beautiful shine and protects and nourishes lashes. It also keeps the formula from separating for a creamy consistency. (This ingredient is also in our lipstick.)
  • Organic Coffee Arabica (Coffee) Powder – coffee powder gives both the black and brown mascara it’s rich color.
