How To Use The Jade Roller

If you’re wondering how to use a jade roller, you’ve come to the right place!

This ultra-trendy tool helps support lymphatic drainage, boosts blood circulation, decreases under-eye swelling and reduces the appearance of fine lines, giving you a lifted and more defined look.

I love using my jade roller from Lemongrass Spa Products with the Anti-Aging Oil Serum! Let’s talk more about how to use a jade roller and dig in to some more fun facts about it …


I started to see more people talking about and using jade rollers about two years ago. So many of us are getting better at taking care of ourselves and doing it the most natural way possible. It seems that the jade roller fits perfectly in between those two really great trends. Honestly, I felt like it was more of a gimmick at first. What can this jade roller do that I can’t already do without it? But the more I dug into the information behind the trend, the more I realized how beneficial it really is!

Jade Roller from Lemongrass Spa Products

The first thing I want to make sure you know is the Lemongrass Spa Products Jade Roller is 100% jade. It’s not glass colored green and it’s not a composite. I don’t agree with some articles I’ve come across during my research. I’ve seen numerous brands selling more expensive rollers saying if a roller is less than $20 it’s likely fake. Not true. Others were confused as to what real jade actually is, saying if your roller wasn’t thousands of dollars, it was probably not real jade but actually made from nephrite or jadeite. Guys, nephrite and jadeite ARE jade! lol! Buyer beware – just a few minutes of research into jade and it’s qualities will help you find the quality jade rollers from the fake.

Benefits of Jade Roller

When you use your jade roller, you are helping your lymph system to circulate fluid. The lymph fluid is from the bloodstream. The lymph nodes filter the fluid to remove bacteria, abnormal cells and more before putting the clean fluid back into the bloodstream. Lymph fluid only flows one way, toward the heart – that’s crucial information during a facial massage. You can see why this circulation is so important!

The massage itself is super beneficial for your skin and complexion. It increases blood flow and circulation which helps to reduce puffiness, creates a brighter skin tone and increase collagen production. What I love about the addition of the jade roller to your facial massage is it reduces the amount of pulling. If you massage your face with your washed hands, you run the risk of tugging too hard. The way the jade just rolls right across your face doesn’t do that.

Using a jade roller also means you’ll be getting more product delivered right to your skin, where you want it. I’ve seen ads showing the person applying their face care with those round cotton pads or cotton balls. Not only does the cotton still contain harmful pesticide residue that could penetrate your skin, can you imagine how much precious product that thing is soaking up? Even microfiber cloths so the same, minus the harmful pesticides. While your fingers are a better choice than those, they are still taking away product from your face.

Facial Massage

how to use jade roller benefits of a jade roller

There are so many good things a facial massage can do for you! It’s why I learned how to use a jade roller in the first place. The roller delivers such a wonderful, delicate massage. There may be a time when you want a heavier hand, but most of the time a gentle massage does the job.

It’s important use the right direction and motion while giving yourself a facial massage. I mentioned above, the lymph system only drains toward the heart. As you can see in the illustration, the lymph nodes are at the outer edges of the face. Aim your massage strokes toward the front of the ears and jawline. Don’t pull backward after stroking toward the nodes.

You can do a massage with the jade roller with or without any products. I really like to use it with products because then I feel like I’m circulating those anti-aging ingredients deeper into my skin. I suggest using it with Ultra Hydrating Body Creme or Vitamin C Serum.

Start in the middle of your face with your massage strokes and move toward the drainage points. I try to concentrate on each area are at least three strokes. Be careful to use light to medium pressure.

Don’t forget to roll down the bridge of your nose and that jawline. Close your eyes and roll over the eyes for several strokes as well. I will also follow down the length of my neck toward the clavicle.

Think of all the movements that your face makes in a day, how much tension it can hold. Even just sitting here typing at my desk, I suddenly realize I’m holding tension in certain muscles of my face.

History of Jade

I absolutely love digging into the history of jade! Jade has been highly regarded by many civilizations for thousands of years. The Chinese called it the “Stone of Heaven” and equated it with royalty, a symbol of status, purity and health. It has also been used by the Mayans and Eqyptians. Even these ancient people used jade on a roller in much the same form that we have today.

Did you know that at the 2008 Bejing Olympics, every medal was enbedded with a piece of pure nephrite jade? Nephrite is the softer yet more resistant form of jade. The medals featured a rare form of white nephrite called “mutton fat” jade. Jade isn’t always green. It can be a wide array of colors including pale to deep green, lavender, pink and even light brown.

For many people, the jade itself has a part in making your skin look and feel better. Many regard jade as having a a nourishing energy, a soothing purity about it. Jade symbolizes gentleness, harmony and balance. Everything is energy and it is said that jade supports the loving heart energy. Many people use jade stones as good luck charms and wear it as jewelry.

I would love for you to try out the Jade Roller from Lemongrass Spa Products! Let me know if you have any questions about it!