Best Face Mist Review with Lemongrass Spa Products

When you ask for the best face mist, I get to suggest not just one but FOUR face mists for you to consider! Usually, when I’m looking for facial mist, I want it to tone my skin. A good toner will bring balance to your skin.

Bring Balance

What exactly are we balancing when we apply toner? The pH balance in our skin! (Our Prebiotic Facial Mist also helps to balance the microorganisms that live on our skin.) There are so many factors that can upset the delicate balance of our skin. From pollution and other environmental stressors to the makeup and lotions we put on our face. Using a toning and balancing product regularly can help to restore that balance. Watch for your radiant complexion to start showing up!

Did you know that the pH scales ranges from 1 (acidic) to 14 (alkaline)? The most neutral pH is a 7. Skin’s natural pH is somewhere around the 5.5 level says Patricia Wexler, MD, a New York City dermatologist in this article of Women’s Health Magazine. If your skin is too alkaline, you’ll start to see more dryness and wrinkling. Which is why witch hazel is a perfect additional to the Rose Water Facial Mist – at a pH of around 3.5 to 4.5 it is just acidic enough.


Our Set & Refresh Mist does double duty! Not only is it used as a makeup setting spray, but also as one of the best face mist choices. This is a lightweight, vegan face mist that keeps your makeup in place while protecting against environmental pollutants. For a mid-day hydration boost, use this neroli-infused formula for an instant refresh. Great for all skin types.

Prebiotic Facial Mist helps improve and restore conditions such as scars, rosacea, acne and redness anywhere on the body. The best face mist that can improve the skin’s texture without destroying good bacteria is a winner in my book! Your skin will feel hydrated and rejuvenated. The innovative formula balances pH and feeds the skin with essential nutrients.

Tea Tree Facial Mist is infused with tea tree, grapefruit, lemongrass and orange essential oils to enhance skin’s texture and help prevent blemishes.

Rose Water Facial Mist refreshes and balances your skin, leaving a glowing, dewy finish. Soothing aloe and refreshing coconut water are infused with youth-boosting moisture-enhancing rose water to tone, hydrate and soften while witch hazel serves as an effective anti-inflammatory and pH balancer.